
Showing posts from February, 2018

My last day teaching the 5th graders!

Tuesday was very bitter sweet for me. These children were so amazing over the three days my group and I did our lesson plans. They are such smart , bright children. Many of their responses to our questions or in their groups amazed me. But, I am excited to see what and how the next groups do during their lessons. I love being able to do this so that we are able to teach from each other and grow as teachers. On Tuesday, we had the students work in groups to use their knowledge they learned the past two classes with us. We broke the class up into 4 groups and had them so team work with specific jobs for each student. Groups 1&3 wrote poems about the Constitutional Convention and groups 2&4 wrote a Bill of Rights for their classroom. We gave the groups about 20 minutes to construct their ideas and then transfer them to a poster board to then share with the class . They did so amazing! Their teacher  Mrs. Vasilakos was loving what the children came up with!!! Below is group

Second day with the 5th graders!

Thursday was our second day teaching. We did our inquiry lesson. We used a Kahoot to see what the students remembered from our lesson on Tuesday. My group and I reviewed the Kahoot scores after the lesson and the students did pretty well! For our inquiry lesson we used WebQuest on their classroom iPads. We had the students will out a worksheet on questions that they would find throughout the research we put in the WebQuests.  My Group and I! Once they completed the worksheets they wrote a newspaper article. The students were so excited when I told them that they would be writing a letter in their school newspapers. Using their prior knowledge, knowledge learned on Tuesday, and the information from the WebQuest. We then had one student from each group share what they wrote. They did so well, and we loved reading all of their letters after class. I am excited for our third and final day teaching the 5th graders. I have learned so much this past week and I am excited to watch my

First day of fieldwork

On Tuesday, my group and I were the first group to teach during our fieldwork at Dishop Dunn . We started with our direct inquiry lesson plan. Our topic was about the forming of our nation. We taught about the Constitution, compromise, the three branches of government, the Bill of Rights and the important people during that time. I was very nervous going first especially because this is my first time in a class with Dr. Smirnova. But, my group worked so well in the week that we had to prepare for this lesson. We memorized the material and were all very confidant. We presented this material to the students my using a powerpoint and lecturing. We used a note sheet for the students to use to follow along with so they could stay engaged throughout the lesson. Also, every few slides we had a "lets review" slide. Where we would ask 2 questions about the material we were just talking about. At the end of our direct instruction we then had our guided practice. We used a time line wi

Getting to know you

Today was our first day of fieldwork at Bishop Dunn . I was very excited to meet all 27 fifth graders! We prepared the classroom and divided into groups and waited for the children to come back from their lunch. Once they got back we gave them a pre-assessment. The pre-assessment was supposed to be given through Google Forms but we prepared them printed out because we were unsure if the classroom would have computers or iPads. After we gave them the pre-assessment we did a getting to know you activity. Our getting to know you activity was a board game that we made. The children would tap a spinner to find out if they would more 1, 2, 3, or 4 placed on the board. Depending on what they landed on they would either answer a question about themselves, question about social studies, a challenge question, or ask the teachers something. We found out a lot about each of the children and I am very excited and nervous for our second day of fieldwork since that is our first day teaching! We

Digital Me!

In class my peers and I all picked different digital tools to make a 'digital about me'. I learned how to become more engaging during a presentation. I learned so much about all of my peers in my classroom and I was able to learn about them in such unique ways. I used nearpod for my digital me. It took me a few days to get the hang of it and learn more about all of the features of the program. I found that it was easiest for me to make a powerpoint through Google Slides and then input it into nearpod. Once I did that it was easier to put slides like polls, quizzes, and interactive games. I liked doing this activity because I gained so much knowledge about so many different digital tools and I will definitely be using a lot of these tools in my future of teaching. When I went to present it to the class I clicked on the link through Dr. Smirnova's slides and I didn't make the nearpod live. So when my peers voted on the polls I wasn't able to see their answers.