Getting to know you

Today was our first day of fieldwork at Bishop Dunn. I was very excited to meet all 27 fifth graders! We prepared the classroom and divided into groups and waited for the children to come back from their lunch. Once they got back we gave them a pre-assessment. The pre-assessment was supposed to be given through Google Forms but we prepared them printed out because we were unsure if the classroom would have computers or iPads.

After we gave them the pre-assessment we did a getting to know you activity. Our getting to know you activity was a board game that we made. The children would tap a spinner to find out if they would more 1, 2, 3, or 4 placed on the board. Depending on what they landed on they would either answer a question about themselves, question about social studies, a challenge question, or ask the teachers something.

We found out a lot about each of the children and I am very excited and nervous for our second day of fieldwork since that is our first day teaching! We are doing direct instruction on our first day teaching. I am excited to practice and get ready for Tuesday!
