Great job to all!

Group three started their direct instruction by explaining their note sheet and explaining what to do when students see a symbol on the powerpoint. I love the turn and talk idea. During my groups direct instruction the students were super quiet. Doing something like a turn and talk would have been great to get the students talking and thinking! Great job group three you all did great!!!

Group four started their direct instruction by explaining rewards. I LOVED the idea of using gold. Group four was teaching about the gold rush so I think it tied in really well with their unit plan, and the students loved it! I would definitely do something like this in my classroom while teaching about the gold rush. Great job group four!!!

Tuesday, 4/3/18, was our last and final day at Bishop Dunn. Group four finished up and did an amazing job! I really enjoyed our time with the 5th graders. We gave the students certificates of completion. They did really well during all of our lesson plans. I also learned so much from my peers. I truly enjoyed this experience that I had with my peers and the students of Bishop Dunn. Today, we are back on campus in Hudson. We have about 6 more weeks of school. It is now the final count down! This semester has flown by so far! I am ready to see what the rest of the semester has in store for me and my fellow classmates.
