Dine Project

 My group, Katie, Nessiah, Alisha, and I did a Jigsaw of a Native American Tribe. Our tribe was the Dine tribe known as the Navajo tribe. 

The Navajo are people of the Southwest Native American cultural group. They lived in the American southwest desert regions in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. I started the presentation by saying, "Ya at ehh!" to the class. This means hello - I also had my class chorally say it with me! Nessiah also taught the class a bunch of other words too!

We needed to make generalizations about the Dine tribe. We needed to answer the question, how did Geography influence the Native American Tribes?

After the four groups presented, Dr. Smirnova had us complete a scavenger hunt by using QR codes in our groups. We needed to use the QR codes to find 10 questions and then answer them correctly. My group won! The scavenge hunt was super fun, and Iwill ABSOLUTELY do that in my future classroom.
